Wednesday 25 June 2014

The Paths In Life:

I'm sure everyone reading this have heard of quotes saying there are two roads in life, the easy way and the hard way. Or there are two roads in life, dare to be different and choose the less traveled one. You know? I disagree. Yes, those may be two of the main roads in life, but where do you start? The middle round. The medium road, the balance of toughness and easiness. I believe this road continues for your whole life but there will always be forks in the road. One where you will see most people turning on to, the well traveled one. And one where there won't be many people turning on to, the road that's hardly been traveled. But in this case, there will also be the road you're on, continuing. That's the description of the choices I believe that there are. Here's the definitions, The easy road: All people will go this way at least once in their life. This is where people that are the same, are normal go. Just going with what this generation of people is like. Not daring to be different. I guess it would usually be because you're getting pressure from others to be like this. To be like them and most people your age. To give in and live a boring life. The middle road: This is the road you would take if you're just starting on your journey. This is the main road. It's kind of like a road where you want to be different, but you're getting so much pressure to be like everyone else, so it's so hard to turn the way you truly want. Or if you were unsure of who you are. That's the middle road. Easy days and hard. Pretty even. The hard road: This is the road for the people that dare to be different. To be themselves and ignore who the world is trying to make them. This is the hard journey, but in no way is it not worth it. It is 100% worth it. This road will prove to be hard most days of your life. You'll perhaps lose friends or people in your life that have a meaning to you. Maybe make everyone around you want to stay away from you some days. But I'm proud of you if you take this road. Because you are so strong.. To fight against what the world is trying to make you. You'll lose battles and maybe fall back down to the easy road some days. But as long as you get back up and continue on the hard path. Be who you want to be. Don't let the world and people around you tell you otherwise. Or pressure you into being someone your not. You are you, not someone else and you should be proud of who you are. If you're not.. Rethink. You're living. Be proud. If, perhaps, you feel like you've done bad things and regret it, you regret it. Wish you didn't do it. Enough said. If you feel like you're doing bad things... Please sort it out.. But above all, love yourself.